Sunday, May 10, 2009

As we proceed...


Malcolm M. Mays... Gage Brown... Yardley Williams

thee NEW Team
Jake Bloch (Creative Coordinator)
Ronald W. Walker (Creative Director/Creative Marketing)
John Meyers (Head of Marketing)
James Bland (PR/Viral Campaign Manager)
DJ Jon JOn (Street Liason/A&R)

thee IN HOUSE Production Team
MF Penn
G. Boi
Seto aka T. Dot

Mission Statement:

In this life... there are some things worth fighting for.

Our battlefield is art, our passion is entertainment, and our cause is HOPE.

As we begin on the journey to provide you the public with eclectic, insightful, revolutionary audio/visual we make only one promise...

To be honest in the spirit and presentation of our music.

Thank you to all those who support us and a shout out to all those in the near future who shall.

And on behalf of ENDLESS GENIUS RECORDS, I say to you all...


Saturday, May 9, 2009

An Interesting Intro

If fate is inevitable and destiny is manual... then your destiny is at your will while you are at the mercy of your own fate.

Trace the stars with lunar thoughts of cosmic proportions.

Touch the sky with the gentlest of hands.

Grasp success with the firm hand of a mother on disobedient child.

Obey your progressive instinct.

Reach for the heavens.

But please... 

Leave eternity 4 us.